As a Community Builder and one who is passionate about how we can make our country, Nigeria better - I look beyond what our Politicians are doing (though its sad that many are in power for selfish reasons) I concentrate more on what WE as citizens can do in our own little corner to bring some sense of sanity to our environment.

Look at the crazy never-ending plastic bottles that we use and dump carelessly as we so wish. We all are guilty of this irresponsible act - The Leaders and Followers alike. How I wish the Government will provide us with RECYCLING STATIONS (I'm not sure I have seen one, but pardon me if there is) and also have a scheme in place that makes it mandatory for everyone to dispose of certain items responsibly. I then hope that we, the citizens will have a 'follow-simple-instruction' kinda attitude. Who are we kidding, we, citizens can ignore rules like they don't matter. And if you can trust me on this one, they do matter. As a matter of fact, we all have contributed one way or the other to the deteriorating state of our country.

Now, going back to recycling, will you please start thinking outside the box and look for ways you can reuse, recycle or repurpose bottles in your household and the community at large. Nigeria needs Thinkers and Doers alike to effect change.

I will like to hear your views on this issue and better still if you have ideas/tips on how we can recycle or reuse our plastics.

HOT TIP - plant herbs and vegetables in your empty bottles/container. Or build a canoe from them (wow! That will be a huge one) Thanks for reading. Please drop a comment as we all are learning.

(Pic from online)

8/29/2013 08:47:30 pm

Bunmi this is to let you know that you are much appreciated, i stumbled on your blog and is quite impressed with what you are doing, i will like to encourage you and assure you of my support, also i think it would be nice if you upload the pictures of the communities you have cleaned out, the before and after pictures it will encourage others to be parts of what you are doing or replicate it also in their neighborhood. Keep it up and God bless you.


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    June 2013

