We all at some point or the other need that Special Someone to call us. We want a hug for comfort and a shoulder to cry on. We long for undying love, the real for better for worse kinda love. We desire to be accident and sickness free. We desire life here on earth to be nothing but paradise. And truth be told, we are so deserving of the very best life can sure give.

We do deserve good things. After all, we are good people. We care for family, neighbours, even stranded strangers. We do our best to love and be at peace with all men. We are the friendly, kind and selfless type.

We simply love life. But, funny how life is, it kinda bring somethings our way that rocks our world.

O! How beautiful a world it was before it was time to get married and couldn't just find that right person. Or, was it the bliss of finding a partner, getting married and the womb resists to carry babies. Or, the loss of a job, the disease that almost took a life, or worst still the loss of a dear one.

Basically, what we call life can sometimes be 'tipped to a rocky and unsure path' of which we know not how to handle. And, while we might have the support of loved ones to get us back to our feet, of course their support is priceless BUT, nothing beats you speaking to your inner man, encouraging yourself from within. Telling yourself to get up. Convincing yourself that you can do this. Nothing beats being healed from within, dusting and patting yourself on the back. Cry if you may, go for counselling, de-stress, dance, sing and cry again.

But, release yourself from any depression, any stagnation, any anxiety and just give yourself that 'PICK-ME-UP' which will then give birth to a better, stronger and more courageous you. (You still deserve that beautiful life, all this is, is a phase, albeit a tough one and it will pass)

Thanks for reading. Please do leave a comment as we all are learning.

(Pic from online)

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    Bunmi Olabode - A mother, wife and Blogger. Loves to simplify her life as much as she can. Enjoys the moment. Loves life, meeting people and creating fun. (Guess life is to be enjoyed!)


    July 2013
    June 2013

