Do you know the gifts your child(en) has come to bless you with? Each child comes with a truck load of blessings for whatever family they are 'assigned' to be a part of. I know as parents, we approach parenthood from the mindset that (WE must do this, WE have to do that and it is OUR responsibility to nurture our children). Yep! I agree, all of these couldn't be anything but the truth. But, I also know for a fact and as a mother of three wonderful children (well,they are absolutely wonderful when I'm not pulling my hair out tehehehe!) Yeah! I do know for a fact that children will teach you how strong you are as well as open your eyes to many of your weaknesses. Children will also let you touch base with reality. They will make you live your dream, bring the best out of you, give you an 'I Can Do IT' attitude whilst they can't guarantee you won't loose your mind because of them. Yes, I understand the many unbelievable things that may have occurred during this journey (still many to come) - is it the loss of swag along the way, doing school run with PJs, Forgetting a bath, Driving off for a Doctor's appointment and realising you forgot something important (oopps! Your bra.) Or, worst of it all - bailing a child from prison. Each child is different and so is what they've come to bless you with but allow them to give you the gift of hope, serenity, love, accomplishment and many more as you create the atmosphere, the listening ears and all of what it will take to enjoy the fullness of Parenthood. Thank you for reading, please share your thoughts remember we all are learning. Thanks (Pic shows two of mine)

Chioma Nwadikwa
6/23/2013 09:06:57 pm

Very well said Bunmi. In some cases, what one child doesn't teach you, the next will. That is not to say that there's not enough lessons learnt where there are single children, I understand that in some cases, a single child could be a 'Package of Teachings' however, in my own personal experience I've learnt different things from my 4 children. They have all come close to teaching me Patience though but haven't succeeded yet; well, we are Work In Progress. The Lord will help us.

6/23/2013 09:19:16 pm

Thanks! Need this remind 7am every school day. When am shouted for the 100th time to get thwir cleaned, stop the "hes lookin @ me" argument, lookin for the PE, sock, book, homework etc that was meant to be in their bags etc :-D Lets not 4get "Mum, we have to bring in... today" on the morning they have to bring it eventhough they were told ages ago. Yep! God bless our children.

Bunmi Olabode
6/23/2013 10:24:10 pm

I couldn't have said it any better Chioma. Yep! All a work in progress. Thanks

Bunmi Olabode
6/23/2013 10:28:04 pm

Ahahhahaha! Sonya, isn't it just! The argument are endless... But, like you said that we are reminded they are nothing but blessings. Thanks a lot.

6/23/2013 10:42:56 pm

Well said Bunmi.
@chioma, you may need the fifth for learning patience (Lol)

Chioma Nwadikwa
6/26/2013 03:20:50 pm

@Nimotalahi - I am working on it, all part of the Work In Progress. :-)

Bunmi Olabode
6/23/2013 11:19:17 pm

Thanks Nimotalahi for stopping by and of course I agree with you that Chioma should go for the fifth (smiles)

6/25/2013 08:11:05 pm

Well done Bunmi.

First of all, your babies are beautiful.
I couldnt agree more with you. As a parent of two myself, i tend to forget the blessing my children brought/bring or should I say will continue to bring!

As a Nig, growing there was something else. I feel loved and I was blessed with a wonderful mama and dad. I see parents screaming incl. mine, at their children ,don't learn to them and some cant but help preaching negativity into their children live.
Those kids grow up believing they no good.

I am grateful to God for mine and more thankful for giving me a better understanding.

6/26/2013 05:59:51 am

Thanks for your kind words Faith as well as sharing your experience.


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    Bunmi Olabode - A mother, wife and Blogger. Loves to simplify her life as much as she can. Enjoys the moment. Loves life, meeting people and creating fun. (Guess life is to be enjoyed!)


    July 2013
    June 2013

