I do have a worry, well, I believe it's one that affects all of us.

School Bullying, as you know is every Parents' nightmare. We all want our children to be in a safe environment. And, while schools are meant to be one of a child's safest places to be, we have come to shockingly learn over the years that isn't the case due to report and first-hand experiences by many families.

So, what do you think is the problem?

1. Is the school not doing enough?

2. Are Parents slacking?

3. Are children just being children, of which I don't want to believe.

Bullying manifests its ugliness in different forms -

•Teasing to Violence

•Name calling to hair pulling

•Missing school to suicide

And the list is endless. So you see why it's such a big worry.

Now, my main question of today is, how do you as a Parent, tackle the issue of bullying?

Has your child been bullied before?

Have they been wrongfully accused?

Is your child the Bully?

Or are you one of those that will never accept your child bullies while in truth he really is a Bully?

Like seriously, I have heard of stories where parents fight each other over the issue - A case of 'tell your child to stay off mine.'

Children have had to change schools. Some scarred heavily up till adulthood (I know this for a fact through a friend of mine, who was traumatised for a long time)

I'd really like to hear your views by leaving a comment below. What has been your experience or how would you handle the situation if it knocks on your door or, how do you as a Parent raise a child that will not be either the victim or the culprit. Thanks - Bunmi Olabode

(Pic from HighImpact)

6/26/2013 03:34:15 am

Thr responsibility all starts from home, parents must I still proper discipline in their children, love them more, listen more, get more involved and work with their teacher in bringing the best out of them, this will help reduce the act. I like your blog.


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    Bunmi Olabode - A mother, wife and Blogger. Loves to simplify her life as much as she can. Enjoys the moment. Loves life, meeting people and creating fun. (Guess life is to be enjoyed!)


    July 2013
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