You are who you are. Unique and beautiful in many ways than one.

Short, long, processed or natural hair - you still remain a Princess.

Be it the Retro Jeans from High Street London or the Bubu from Africa, you still are a Dream Girl.

Your skirt is laced with strength and your Power Heels make a great statement.

Even on barefoot, you go far and beyond. Though, the wind blows a storm, you climb and soar high, selflessly educating the next generation.

With a Raffia Basket on your head or a Leather Brief Case across your shoulder, the world is glad you are in it because you carry yourself with much grace.

Your flawless skin and bright smile compliments your lightly powdered face.

You have class and style.

You are powerful and strong.

May the very sole of your feet carry you to a place called BEAUTIFUL - Your Destiny. By Bunmi Olabode

(Pic from Adams Apple)

6/25/2013 07:49:14 pm

Wow, this is great. I couldnt agree more. Its great to be reminded once in awhile, otherwise we tend to forget how beautiful we are.

Once we remind our selves of this, the rest of the world sees us through our own eyes.

Olushola Laguda
6/26/2013 02:54:12 am

Wow! This is soooo beautiful! Love it! Thanks for sharing!

Bunmi Olabode
6/26/2013 05:56:58 am

Thanks a lot Beautiful Ladies Olushola and Faith.


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    Bunmi Olabode - A mother, wife and Blogger. Loves to simplify her life as much as she can. Enjoys the moment. Loves life, meeting people and creating fun. (Guess life is to be enjoyed!)


    July 2013
    June 2013

