Your journey is unique to you and you only. It is a 'ride' wired specifically to suit your calling. It is signed, sealed and delivered (you know like the song).

There is no other, who can walk the path like you would.

There is a map for the journey, that none else can read so well except you and your Maker. You cannot give the power therein to someone else. They won't understand the assignment like you and if they understand it, they sure cannot execute it (why would they anyway, it's not their path to walk, it's yours)

People might coach, mentor, counsel, motivate, inspire, push or teach you BUT, They still cannot embark on the journey on your behalf. This walk has to be done by YOU. All by yourself. So, while all the cheering and training is good. You must get up and get going (Dont forget the map behind, the manual and the 'Manufacture's Direct Line') - you are equipped to arrive on the other side with a song on your lips.

Many a thing will want to stand in your way. You just never know what might show up. It could be a friend, that family member, your lifestyle, shame, guilt or even fear of the unknown. Travel light my friend, so you can move the pebbles outta your way or jump, climb, skip as the need arises.

You must know one thing, this journey is not meant to kill you but empower you to live a fulfilled life while many lives get transformed in the process (Yep! That is a Win-Win Situation.)

You have to know who you are, what you are built for, where you are going (This will help you to NOT wander aimlessly.)

I'm sure you know the song >> Keep on moving, don't stop, no, keep on moving. Yep! No matter how slow, just focus. No matter what the distractions are, just focus.

You, Me and The whole world need you to be fulfilled - Bunmi Olabode. Thanks for reading!

(Pic from online)

7/4/2013 02:02:19 am

Great read. Thank you


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    Bunmi Olabode - A mother, wife and Blogger. Loves to simplify her life as much as she can. Enjoys the moment. Loves life, meeting people and creating fun. (Guess life is to be enjoyed!)


    July 2013
    June 2013

